IBUS EMOJI(7)                                              User Commands                                              IBUS EMOJI(7)

       ibus-emoji - Call the IBus emoji utility by IBus Emojier

       /usr/libexec/ibus-ui-emojier [OPTION]...

       IBus  Emojier  provides  a GUI to select an emoji by typing an emoji annotation or choosing a character with mouse click and
       it's designed to work as an extended IBus lookup window using Space, Enter, and Arrow keys.  The text entry accepts an emoji
       annotation  or  Unicode  points.   If IBus panel is launched, IBus panel calls IBus Emojier with a shortcut key or the right
       click menu and output the selected emoji on the previous focused text on an application.  If IBus  panel  is  not  available
       likes  GNOME  desktop,  You  can still use ibus emoji command to launch IBus Emojier and it saves the selected emoji in your
       clipboard and you can paste the emoji by a paste key likes Control-v.

       Refer emoji section in ibus (1) for the command line options.

       Homepage: https://github.com/ibus/ibus/wiki

              You can choose a language of emoji annotations with ibus-setup (1).

       FONT   You can choose an emoji font with ibus-setup (1).  E.g. "Noto Color Emoji", "Android Emoji" font.

       Control-Period or Control-Semicolon
              Launch IBus Emojier. The shortcut key can be customized by ibus-setup (1).

       Left, Right arrow, Control-b or Control-f
              Select the next left or right category or emoji on the list if an annotation is not typed.  Otherwise move the cursor
              to the immdediate left or right in the typed annotation.

       Down, Up arrow, Control-n or Control-p
              Select the next top or down category or emoji on the list

       Enter  Commit the selected emoji.

       Escape Go back to the category list from emoji list, erase the typed annotation, and close IBus Emojier.

       Space  Select the next left category or emoji on the list.  If Shift-Space is typed, a space chararacter can be inserted be‐
              tween words in an annotation or Unicode points. E.g. 1f466 Shift-Space 1f3fb

       PageDown, PageUp, Control-Shift-n or Control-Shift-p
              Move to the next or previous page in the category or emoji list.

       Head, End, Control-h or Control-e
              Select the first or last emoji on the list if an annotation is not typed.  Otherwise move the cursor to the  head  or
              end in the typed annotation.

              Erase the typed annotation.

       Control-x or Control-v or Control-c
              Cut  the selected annotation to the clipboard with Control-x. Paste the contents of the clipboard into the annotation
              entry with Control-v.  Copy the selected annotation to the clipboard with Control-c.

              Copy the selected emoji to the clipboard.

       If you find a bug, please report it at https://github.com/ibus/ibus/issues

1.5.28                                                     February 2022                                              IBUS EMOJI(7)