GP-DISPLAY-TEXT(1)                                         User Commands                                         GP-DISPLAY-TEXT(1)

       gp-display-text - display the performance data in plain text format

       gprofng display text [OPTION(S)] [COMMAND(S)] [-script <script_file>] EXPERIMENT(S)

       Print a plain text version of the various displays supported by gprofng.

              print the version number and exit.

       --help print usage information and exit.

       --verbose {on|off}
              enable (on) or disable (off) verbose mode; the default is "off".

       -script <script-file>
              execute  the  commands stored in the script file; this feature may be combined with commands specified at the command

       This tool supports a rich set of commands to control the display of the data; instead of, or in addition to, including these
       commands  in a script file, it is also allowed to include such commands at the command line; in this case, the commands need
       to be prepended with the "-" symbol; the commands are processed and interpreted left from right, so the order  matters;  The
       gprofng manual documents the commands that are supported.

       If  this tool is invoked without options, commands, or a script file, it starts in interpreter mode. The user can then issue
       the commands interactively; the session is terminated with the "exit" command in the interpreter.

       A getting started guide for gprofng is maintained as a Texinfo manual. If the info and gprofng  programs  are  properly  in‐
       stalled at your site, the command "info gprofng" should give you access to this document.

       gprofng(1), gp-archive(1), gp-collect-app(1), gp-display-html(1), gp-display-src(1)

       Copyright  ©  2023  Free  Software  Foundation,  Inc.   License  GPLv3+:  GNU  GPL  version  3 or later <‐
       This is free software: you are free to change and redistribute it.  There is NO WARRANTY, to the extent permitted by law.

GNU gp-display-text binutils version 2.40                     May 2023                                           GP-DISPLAY-TEXT(1)