GITWEB.CONF(5)                                               Git Manual                                              GITWEB.CONF(5)

       gitweb.conf - Gitweb (Git web interface) configuration file

       /etc/gitweb.conf, /etc/gitweb-common.conf, $GITWEBDIR/gitweb_config.perl

       The gitweb CGI script for viewing Git repositories over the web uses a perl script fragment as its configuration file. You
       can set variables using "our $variable = value"; text from a "#" character until the end of a line is ignored. See
       perlsyn(1) for details.

       An example:

           # gitweb configuration file for
           our $projectroot = "/srv/git"; # FHS recommendation
           our $site_name = ' >> Repos';

       The configuration file is used to override the default settings that were built into gitweb at the time the gitweb.cgi
       script was generated.

       While one could just alter the configuration settings in the gitweb CGI itself, those changes would be lost upon upgrade.
       Configuration settings might also be placed into a file in the same directory as the CGI script with the default name
       gitweb_config.perl — allowing one to have multiple gitweb instances with different configurations by the use of symlinks.

       Note that some configuration can be controlled on per-repository rather than gitweb-wide basis: see "Per-repository gitweb
       configuration" subsection on gitweb(1) manpage.

       Gitweb reads configuration data from the following sources in the following order:

       •   built-in values (some set during build stage),

       •   common system-wide configuration file (defaults to /etc/gitweb-common.conf),

       •   either per-instance configuration file (defaults to gitweb_config.perl in the same directory as the installed gitweb),
           or if it does not exists then fallback system-wide configuration file (defaults to /etc/gitweb.conf).

       Values obtained in later configuration files override values obtained earlier in the above sequence.

       Locations of the common system-wide configuration file, the fallback system-wide configuration file and the per-instance
       configuration file are defined at compile time using build-time Makefile configuration variables, respectively

       You can also override locations of gitweb configuration files during runtime by setting the following environment variables:

       The syntax of the configuration files is that of Perl, since these files are handled by sourcing them as fragments of Perl
       code (the language that gitweb itself is written in). Variables are typically set using the our qualifier (as in "our
       $variable = <value>;") to avoid syntax errors if a new version of gitweb no longer uses a variable and therefore stops
       declaring it.

       You can include other configuration file using read_config_file() subroutine. For example, one might want to put gitweb
       configuration related to access control for viewing repositories via Gitolite (one of Git repository management tools) in a
       separate file, e.g. in /etc/gitweb-gitolite.conf. To include it, put


       somewhere in gitweb configuration file used, e.g. in per-installation gitweb configuration file. Note that
       read_config_file() checks itself that the file it reads exists, and does nothing if it is not found. It also handles errors
       in included file.

       The default configuration with no configuration file at all may work perfectly well for some installations. Still, a
       configuration file is useful for customizing or tweaking the behavior of gitweb in many ways, and some optional features
       will not be present unless explicitly enabled using the configurable %features variable (see also "Configuring gitweb
       features" section below).

       Some configuration variables have their default values (embedded in the CGI script) set during building gitweb — if that is
       the case, this fact is put in their description. See gitweb’s INSTALL file for instructions on building and installing

   Location of repositories
       The configuration variables described below control how gitweb finds Git repositories, and how repositories are displayed
       and accessed.

       See also "Repositories" and later subsections in gitweb(1) manpage.

           Absolute filesystem path which will be prepended to project path; the path to repository is $projectroot/$project. Set
           to $GITWEB_PROJECTROOT during installation. This variable has to be set correctly for gitweb to find repositories.

           For example, if $projectroot is set to "/srv/git" by putting the following in gitweb config file:

               our $projectroot = "/srv/git";



           and its path_info based equivalent


           will map to the path /srv/git/foo/bar.git on the filesystem.

           Name of a plain text file listing projects, or a name of directory to be scanned for projects.

           Project list files should list one project per line, with each line having the following format

               <URI-encoded filesystem path to repository> SP <URI-encoded repository owner>

           The default value of this variable is determined by the GITWEB_LIST makefile variable at installation time. If this
           variable is empty, gitweb will fall back to scanning the $projectroot directory for repositories.

           If $projects_list variable is unset, gitweb will recursively scan filesystem for Git repositories. The $project_maxdepth
           is used to limit traversing depth, relative to $projectroot (starting point); it means that directories which are
           further from $projectroot than $project_maxdepth will be skipped.

           It is purely performance optimization, originally intended for MacOS X, where recursive directory traversal is slow.
           Gitweb follows symbolic links, but it detects cycles, ignoring any duplicate files and directories.

           The default value of this variable is determined by the build-time configuration variable GITWEB_PROJECT_MAXDEPTH, which
           defaults to 2007.

           Show repository only if this file exists (in repository). Only effective if this variable evaluates to true. Can be set
           when building gitweb by setting GITWEB_EXPORT_OK. This path is relative to GIT_DIR. git-daemon[1] uses
           git-daemon-export-ok, unless started with --export-all. By default this variable is not set, which means that this
           feature is turned off.

           Function used to determine which repositories should be shown. This subroutine should take one parameter, the full path
           to a project, and if it returns true, that project will be included in the projects list and can be accessed through
           gitweb as long as it fulfills the other requirements described by $export_ok, $projects_list, and $projects_maxdepth.

               our $export_auth_hook = sub { return -e "$_[0]/git-daemon-export-ok"; };

           though the above might be done by using $export_ok instead

               our $export_ok = "git-daemon-export-ok";

           If not set (default), it means that this feature is disabled.

           See also more involved example in "Controlling access to Git repositories" subsection on gitweb(1) manpage.

           Only allow viewing of repositories also shown on the overview page. This for example makes $export_ok file decide if
           repository is available and not only if it is shown. If $projects_list points to file with list of project, only those
           repositories listed would be available for gitweb. Can be set during building gitweb via GITWEB_STRICT_EXPORT. By
           default this variable is not set, which means that you can directly access those repositories that are hidden from
           projects list page (e.g. the are not listed in the $projects_list file).

   Finding files
       The following configuration variables tell gitweb where to find files. The values of these variables are paths on the

           Core git executable to use. By default set to $GIT_BINDIR/git, which in turn is by default set to $(bindir)/git. If you
           use Git installed from a binary package, you should usually set this to "/usr/bin/git". This can just be "git" if your
           web server has a sensible PATH; from security point of view it is better to use absolute path to git binary. If you have
           multiple Git versions installed it can be used to choose which one to use. Must be (correctly) set for gitweb to be able
           to work.

           File to use for (filename extension based) guessing of MIME types before trying /etc/mime.types.  NOTE that this path,
           if relative, is taken as relative to the current Git repository, not to CGI script. If unset, only /etc/mime.types is
           used (if present on filesystem). If no mimetypes file is found, mimetype guessing based on extension of file is
           disabled. Unset by default.

           Path to the highlight executable to use (it must be the one from due to assumptions about
           parameters and output). By default set to highlight; set it to full path to highlight executable if it is not installed
           on your web server’s PATH. Note that highlight feature must be set for gitweb to actually use syntax highlighting.

           NOTE: for a file to be highlighted, its syntax type must be detected and that syntax must be supported by "highlight".
           The default syntax detection is minimal, and there are many supported syntax types with no detection by default. There
           are three options for adding syntax detection. The first and second priority are %highlight_basename and %highlight_ext,
           which detect based on basename (the full filename, for example "Makefile") and extension (for example "sh"). The keys of
           these hashes are the basename and extension, respectively, and the value for a given key is the name of the syntax to be
           passed via --syntax <syntax> to "highlight". The last priority is the "highlight" configuration of Shebang regular
           expressions to detect the language based on the first line in the file, (for example, matching the line "#!/bin/bash").
           See the highlight documentation and the default config at /etc/highlight/filetypes.conf for more details.

           For example if repositories you are hosting use "phtml" extension for PHP files, and you want to have correct
           syntax-highlighting for those files, you can add the following to gitweb configuration:

               our %highlight_ext;
               $highlight_ext{'phtml'} = 'php';

   Links and their targets
       The configuration variables described below configure some of gitweb links: their target and their look (text or image), and
       where to find page prerequisites (stylesheet, favicon, images, scripts). Usually they are left at their default values, with
       the possible exception of @stylesheets variable.

           List of URIs of stylesheets (relative to the base URI of a page). You might specify more than one stylesheet, for
           example to use "gitweb.css" as base with site specific modifications in a separate stylesheet to make it easier to
           upgrade gitweb. For example, you can add a site stylesheet by putting

               push @stylesheets, "gitweb-site.css";

           in the gitweb config file. Those values that are relative paths are relative to base URI of gitweb.

           This list should contain the URI of gitweb’s standard stylesheet. The default URI of gitweb stylesheet can be set at
           build time using the GITWEB_CSS makefile variable. Its default value is static/gitweb.css (or static/gitweb.min.css if
           the CSSMIN variable is defined, i.e. if CSS minifier is used during build).

           Note: there is also a legacy $stylesheet configuration variable, which was used by older gitweb. If $stylesheet variable
           is defined, only CSS stylesheet given by this variable is used by gitweb.

           Points to the location where you put git-logo.png on your web server, or to be more the generic URI of logo, 72x27
           size). This image is displayed in the top right corner of each gitweb page and used as a logo for the Atom feed.
           Relative to the base URI of gitweb (as a path). Can be adjusted when building gitweb using GITWEB_LOGO variable By
           default set to static/git-logo.png.

           Points to the location where you put git-favicon.png on your web server, or to be more the generic URI of favicon, which
           will be served as "image/png" type. Web browsers that support favicons (website icons) may display them in the browser’s
           URL bar and next to the site name in bookmarks. Relative to the base URI of gitweb. Can be adjusted at build time using
           GITWEB_FAVICON variable. By default set to static/git-favicon.png.

           Points to the location where you put gitweb.js on your web server, or to be more generic the URI of JavaScript code used
           by gitweb. Relative to the base URI of gitweb. Can be set at build time using the GITWEB_JS build-time configuration

           The default value is either static/gitweb.js, or static/gitweb.min.js if the JSMIN build variable was defined, i.e. if
           JavaScript minifier was used at build time.  Note that this single file is generated from multiple individual JavaScript

           Target of the home link on the top of all pages (the first part of view "breadcrumbs"). By default it is set to the
           absolute URI of a current page (to the value of $my_uri variable, or to "/" if $my_uri is undefined or is an empty

           Label for the "home link" at the top of all pages, leading to $home_link (usually the main gitweb page, which contains
           the projects list). It is used as the first component of gitweb’s "breadcrumb trail": <home link> / <project> /
           <action>. Can be set at build time using the GITWEB_HOME_LINK_STR variable. By default it is set to "projects", as this
           link leads to the list of projects. Another popular choice is to set it to the name of site. Note that it is treated as
           raw HTML so it should not be set from untrusted sources.

           Additional links to be added to the start of the breadcrumb trail before the home link, to pages that are logically
           "above" the gitweb projects list, such as the organization and department which host the gitweb server. Each element of
           the list is a reference to an array, in which element 0 is the link text (equivalent to $home_link_str) and element 1 is
           the target URL (equivalent to $home_link).

           For example, the following setting produces a breadcrumb trail like "home / dev / projects / ..." where "projects" is
           the home link.

                   our @extra_breadcrumbs = (
                     [ 'home' => '' ],
                     [ 'dev'  => '' ],

       $logo_url, $logo_label
           URI and label (title) for the Git logo link (or your site logo, if you chose to use different logo image). By default,
           these both refer to Git homepage,; in the past, they pointed to Git documentation at

   Changing gitweb’s look
       You can adjust how pages generated by gitweb look using the variables described below. You can change the site name, add
       common headers and footers for all pages, and add a description of this gitweb installation on its main page (which is the
       projects list page), etc.

           Name of your site or organization, to appear in page titles. Set it to something descriptive for clearer bookmarks etc.
           If this variable is not set or is, then gitweb uses the value of the SERVER_NAME CGI environment variable, setting site
           name to "$SERVER_NAME Git", or "Untitled Git" if this variable is not set (e.g. if running gitweb as standalone script).

           Can be set using the GITWEB_SITENAME at build time. Unset by default.

           HTML snippet to be included in the <head> section of each page. Can be set using GITWEB_SITE_HTML_HEAD_STRING at build
           time. No default value.

           Name of a file with HTML to be included at the top of each page. Relative to the directory containing the gitweb.cgi
           script. Can be set using GITWEB_SITE_HEADER at build time. No default value.

           Name of a file with HTML to be included at the bottom of each page. Relative to the directory containing the gitweb.cgi
           script. Can be set using GITWEB_SITE_FOOTER at build time. No default value.

           Name of a HTML file which, if it exists, is included on the gitweb projects overview page ("projects_list" view).
           Relative to the directory containing the gitweb.cgi script. Default value can be adjusted during build time using
           GITWEB_HOMETEXT variable. By default set to indextext.html.

           The width (in characters) of the "Description" column of the projects list. Longer descriptions will be truncated
           (trying to cut at word boundary); the full description is available in the title attribute (usually shown on mouseover).
           The default is 25, which might be too small if you use long project descriptions.

           Default value of ordering of projects on projects list page, which means the ordering used if you don’t explicitly sort
           projects list (if there is no "o" CGI query parameter in the URL). Valid values are "none" (unsorted), "project"
           (projects are by project name, i.e. path to repository relative to $projectroot), "descr" (project description),
           "owner", and "age" (by date of most current commit).

           Default value is "project". Unknown value means unsorted.

   Changing gitweb’s behavior
       These configuration variables control internal gitweb behavior.

           Default mimetype for the blob_plain (raw) view, if mimetype checking doesn’t result in some other type; by default
           "text/plain". Gitweb guesses mimetype of a file to display based on extension of its filename, using $mimetypes_file (if
           set and file exists) and /etc/mime.types files (see mime.types(5) manpage; only filename extension rules are supported
           by gitweb).

           Default charset for text files. If this is not set, the web server configuration will be used. Unset by default.

           Gitweb assumes this charset when a line contains non-UTF-8 characters. The fallback decoding is used without error
           checking, so it can be even "utf-8". The value must be a valid encoding; see the Encoding::Supported(3pm) man page for a
           list. The default is "latin1", aka. "iso-8859-1".

           Rename detection options for git-diff and git-diff-tree. The default is ('-M'); set it to ('-C') or ('-C', '-C') to also
           detect copies, or set it to () i.e. empty list if you don’t want to have renames detection.

           Note that rename and especially copy detection can be quite CPU-intensive. Note also that non Git tools can have
           problems with patches generated with options mentioned above, especially when they involve file copies ('-C') or
           criss-cross renames ('-B').

   Some optional features and policies
       Most of features are configured via %feature hash; however some of extra gitweb features can be turned on and configured
       using variables described below. This list beside configuration variables that control how gitweb looks does contain
       variables configuring administrative side of gitweb (e.g. cross-site scripting prevention; admittedly this as side effect
       affects how "summary" pages look like, or load limiting).

           List of Git base URLs. These URLs are used to generate URLs describing from where to fetch a project, which are shown on
           project summary page. The full fetch URL is "$git_base_url/$project", for each element of this list. You can set up
           multiple base URLs (for example one for git:// protocol, and one for http:// protocol).

           Note that per repository configuration can be set in $GIT_DIR/cloneurl file, or as values of multi-value gitweb.url
           configuration variable in project config. Per-repository configuration takes precedence over value composed from
           @git_base_url_list elements and project name.

           You can setup one single value (single entry/item in this list) at build time by setting the GITWEB_BASE_URL build-time
           configuration variable. By default it is set to (), i.e. an empty list. This means that gitweb would not try to create
           project URL (to fetch) from project name.

           Whether to enable the grouping of projects by category on the project list page. The category of a project is determined
           by the $GIT_DIR/category file or the gitweb.category variable in each repository’s configuration. Disabled by default
           (set to 0).

           Default category for projects for which none is specified. If this is set to the empty string, such projects will remain
           uncategorized and listed at the top, above categorized projects. Used only if project categories are enabled, which
           means if $projects_list_group_categories is true. By default set to "" (empty string).

           If true, some gitweb features are disabled to prevent content in repositories from launching cross-site scripting (XSS)
           attacks. Set this to true if you don’t trust the content of your repositories. False by default (set to 0).

           Used to set the maximum load that we will still respond to gitweb queries. If the server load exceeds this value then
           gitweb will return "503 Service Unavailable" error. The server load is taken to be 0 if gitweb cannot determine its
           value. Currently it works only on Linux, where it uses /proc/loadavg; the load there is the number of active tasks on
           the system — processes that are actually running — averaged over the last minute.

           Set $maxload to undefined value (undef) to turn this feature off. The default value is 300.

           If true, omit the column with date of the most current commit on the projects list page. It can save a bit of I/O and a
           fork per repository.

           If true prevents displaying information about repository owner.

           If this is set to code reference, it will be run once for each request. You can set parts of configuration that change
           per session this way. For example, one might use the following code in a gitweb configuration file

               our $per_request_config = sub {
                       $ENV{GL_USER} = $cgi->remote_user || "gitweb";

           If $per_request_config is not a code reference, it is interpreted as boolean value. If it is true gitweb will process
           config files once per request, and if it is false gitweb will process config files only once, each time it is executed.
           True by default (set to 1).

           NOTE: $my_url, $my_uri, and $base_url are overwritten with their default values before every request, so if you want to
           change them, be sure to set this variable to true or a code reference effecting the desired changes.

           This variable matters only when using persistent web environments that serve multiple requests using single gitweb
           instance, like mod_perl, FastCGI or Plackup.

   Other variables
       Usually you should not need to change (adjust) any of configuration variables described below; they should be automatically
       set by gitweb to correct value.

           Gitweb version, set automatically when creating gitweb.cgi from gitweb.perl. You might want to modify it if you are
           running modified gitweb, for example

               our $version .= " with caching";

           if you run modified version of gitweb with caching support. This variable is purely informational, used e.g. in the
           "generator" meta header in HTML header.

       $my_url, $my_uri
           Full URL and absolute URL of the gitweb script; in earlier versions of gitweb you might have need to set those
           variables, but now there should be no need to do it. See $per_request_config if you need to set them still.

           Base URL for relative URLs in pages generated by gitweb, (e.g.  $logo, $favicon, @stylesheets if they are relative
           URLs), needed and used <base href="$base_url"> only for URLs with nonempty PATH_INFO. Usually gitweb sets its value
           correctly, and there is no need to set this variable, e.g. to $my_uri or "/". See $per_request_config if you need to
           override it anyway.

       Many gitweb features can be enabled (or disabled) and configured using the %feature hash. Names of gitweb features are keys
       of this hash.

       Each %feature hash element is a hash reference and has the following structure:

           "<feature_name>" => {
                   "sub" => <feature-sub (subroutine)>,
                   "override" => <allow-override (boolean)>,
                   "default" => [ <options>... ]

       Some features cannot be overridden per project. For those features the structure of appropriate %feature hash element has a
       simpler form:

           "<feature_name>" => {
                   "override" => 0,
                   "default" => [ <options>... ]

       As one can see it lacks the 'sub' element.

       The meaning of each part of feature configuration is described below:

           List (array reference) of feature parameters (if there are any), used also to toggle (enable or disable) given feature.

           Note that it is currently always an array reference, even if feature doesn’t accept any configuration parameters, and
           'default' is used only to turn it on or off. In such case you turn feature on by setting this element to [1], and torn
           it off by setting it to [0]. See also the passage about the "blame" feature in the "Examples" section.

           To disable features that accept parameters (are configurable), you need to set this element to empty list i.e.  [].

           If this field has a true value then the given feature is overridable, which means that it can be configured (or
           enabled/disabled) on a per-repository basis.

           Usually given "<feature>" is configurable via the gitweb.<feature> config variable in the per-repository Git
           configuration file.

           Note that no feature is overridable by default.

           Internal detail of implementation. What is important is that if this field is not present then per-repository override
           for given feature is not supported.

           You wouldn’t need to ever change it in gitweb config file.

   Features in %feature
       The gitweb features that are configurable via %feature hash are listed below. This should be a complete list, but ultimately
       the authoritative and complete list is in gitweb.cgi source code, with features described in the comments.

           Enable the "blame" and "blame_incremental" blob views, showing for each line the last commit that modified it; see git-
           blame(1). This can be very CPU-intensive and is therefore disabled by default.

           This feature can be configured on a per-repository basis via repository’s gitweb.blame configuration variable (boolean).

           Enable and configure the "snapshot" action, which allows user to download a compressed archive of any tree or commit, as
           produced by git-archive(1) and possibly additionally compressed. This can potentially generate high traffic if you have
           large project.

           The value of 'default' is a list of names of snapshot formats, defined in %known_snapshot_formats hash, that you wish to
           offer. Supported formats include "tgz", "tbz2", "txz" (gzip/bzip2/xz compressed tar archive) and "zip"; please consult
           gitweb sources for a definitive list. By default only "tgz" is offered.

           This feature can be configured on a per-repository basis via repository’s gitweb.snapshot configuration variable, which
           contains a comma separated list of formats or "none" to disable snapshots. Unknown values are ignored.

           Enable grep search, which lists the files in currently selected tree (directory) containing the given string; see git-
           grep(1). This can be potentially CPU-intensive, of course. Enabled by default.

           This feature can be configured on a per-repository basis via repository’s gitweb.grep configuration variable (boolean).

           Enable the so called pickaxe search, which will list the commits that introduced or removed a given string in a file.
           This can be practical and quite faster alternative to "blame" action, but it is still potentially CPU-intensive. Enabled
           by default.

           The pickaxe search is described in git-log(1) (the description of -S<string> option, which refers to pickaxe entry in
           gitdiffcore(7) for more details).

           This feature can be configured on a per-repository basis by setting repository’s gitweb.pickaxe configuration variable

           Enable showing size of blobs (ordinary files) in a "tree" view, in a separate column, similar to what ls -l does; see
           description of -l option in git-ls-tree(1) manpage. This costs a bit of I/O. Enabled by default.

           This feature can be configured on a per-repository basis via repository’s gitweb.showSizes configuration variable

           Enable and configure "patches" view, which displays list of commits in email (plain text) output format; see also git-
           format-patch(1). The value is the maximum number of patches in a patchset generated in "patches" view. Set the default
           field to a list containing single item of or to an empty list to disable patch view, or to a list containing a single
           negative number to remove any limit. Default value is 16.

           This feature can be configured on a per-repository basis via repository’s gitweb.patches configuration variable

           Avatar support. When this feature is enabled, views such as "shortlog" or "commit" will display an avatar associated
           with the email of each committer and author.

           Currently available providers are "gravatar" and "picon". Only one provider at a time can be selected (default is one
           element list). If an unknown provider is specified, the feature is disabled.  Note that some providers might require
           extra Perl packages to be installed; see gitweb/INSTALL for more details.

           This feature can be configured on a per-repository basis via repository’s gitweb.avatar configuration variable.

           See also %avatar_size with pixel sizes for icons and avatars ("default" is used for one-line like "log" and "shortlog",
           "double" is used for two-line like "commit", "commitdiff" or "tag"). If the default font sizes or lineheights are
           changed (e.g. via adding extra CSS stylesheet in @stylesheets), it may be appropriate to change these values.

           Redact e-mail addresses from the generated HTML, etc. content. This obscures e-mail addresses retrieved from the
           author/committer and comment sections of the Git log. It is meant to hinder web crawlers that harvest and abuse
           addresses. Such crawlers may not respect robots.txt. Note that users and user tools also see the addresses as redacted.
           If Gitweb is not the final step in a workflow then subsequent steps may misbehave because of the redacted information
           they receive. Disabled by default.

           Server-side syntax highlight support in "blob" view. It requires $highlight_bin program to be available (see the
           description of this variable in the "Configuration variables" section above), and therefore is disabled by default.

           This feature can be configured on a per-repository basis via repository’s gitweb.highlight configuration variable

           Enable displaying remote heads (remote-tracking branches) in the "heads" list. In most cases the list of remote-tracking
           branches is an unnecessary internal private detail, and this feature is therefore disabled by default.  git-instaweb(1),
           which is usually used to browse local repositories, enables and uses this feature.

           This feature can be configured on a per-repository basis via repository’s gitweb.remote_heads configuration variable

       The remaining features cannot be overridden on a per project basis.

           Enable text search, which will list the commits which match author, committer or commit text to a given string; see the
           description of --author, --committer and --grep options in git-log(1) manpage. Enabled by default.

           Project specific override is not supported.

           If this feature is enabled, gitweb considers projects in subdirectories of project root (basename) to be forks of
           existing projects. For each project $projname.git, projects in the $projname/ directory and its subdirectories will not
           be shown in the main projects list. Instead, a '+' mark is shown next to $projname, which links to a "forks" view that
           lists all the forks (all projects in $projname/ subdirectory). Additionally a "forks" view for a project is linked from
           project summary page.

           If the project list is taken from a file ($projects_list points to a file), forks are only recognized if they are listed
           after the main project in that file.

           Project specific override is not supported.

           Insert custom links to the action bar of all project pages. This allows you to link to third-party scripts integrating
           into gitweb.

           The "default" value consists of a list of triplets in the form ‘("<label>", "<link>", "<position>")` where "position" is
           the label after which to insert the link, "link" is a format string where %n expands to the project name, %f to the
           project path within the filesystem (i.e. "$projectroot/$project"), %h to the current hash ('h’ gitweb parameter) and
           ‘%b` to the current hash base ('hb’ gitweb parameter); ‘%%` expands to '%’.

           For example, at the time this page was written, the Git hosting site set it to the following to enable
           graphical log (using the third party tool git-browser):

               $feature{'actions'}{'default'} =
                       [ ('graphiclog', '/git-browser/by-commit.html?r=%n', 'summary')];

           This adds a link titled "graphiclog" after the "summary" link, leading to git-browser script, passing r=<project> as a
           query parameter.

           Project specific override is not supported.

           Enable displaying how much time and how many Git commands it took to generate and display each page in the page footer
           (at the bottom of page). For example the footer might contain: "This page took 6.53325 seconds and 13 Git commands to
           generate." Disabled by default.

           Project specific override is not supported.

           Enable and configure the ability to change a common time zone for dates in gitweb output via JavaScript. Dates in gitweb
           output include authordate and committerdate in "commit", "commitdiff" and "log" views, and taggerdate in "tag" view.
           Enabled by default.

           The value is a list of three values: a default time zone (for if the client hasn’t selected some other time zone and
           saved it in a cookie), a name of cookie where to store selected time zone, and a CSS class used to mark up dates for
           manipulation. If you want to turn this feature off, set "default" to empty list: [].

           Typical gitweb config files will only change starting (default) time zone, and leave other elements at their default

               $feature{'javascript-timezone'}{'default'}[0] = "utc";

           The example configuration presented here is guaranteed to be backwards and forward compatible.

           Time zone values can be "local" (for local time zone that browser uses), "utc" (what gitweb uses when JavaScript or this
           feature is disabled), or numerical time zones in the form of "+/-HHMM", such as "+0200".

           Project specific override is not supported.

           List of additional directories under "refs" which are going to be used as branch refs. For example if you have a gerrit
           setup where all branches under refs/heads/ are official, push-after-review ones and branches under refs/sandbox/,
           refs/wip and refs/other are user ones where permissions are much wider, then you might want to set this variable as

               $feature{'extra-branch-refs'}{'default'} =
                       ['sandbox', 'wip', 'other'];

           This feature can be configured on per-repository basis after setting $feature{extra-branch-refs}{override} to true, via
           repository’s gitweb.extraBranchRefs configuration variable, which contains a space separated list of refs. An example:

                       extraBranchRefs = sandbox wip other

           The gitweb.extraBranchRefs is actually a multi-valued configuration variable, so following example is also correct and
           the result is the same as of the snippet above:

                       extraBranchRefs = sandbox
                       extraBranchRefs = wip other

           It is an error to specify a ref that does not pass "git check-ref-format" scrutiny. Duplicated values are filtered.

       To enable blame, pickaxe search, and snapshot support (allowing "tar.gz" and "zip" snapshots), while allowing individual
       projects to turn them off, put the following in your GITWEB_CONFIG file:

           $feature{'blame'}{'default'} = [1];
           $feature{'blame'}{'override'} = 1;

           $feature{'pickaxe'}{'default'} = [1];
           $feature{'pickaxe'}{'override'} = 1;

           $feature{'snapshot'}{'default'} = ['zip', 'tgz'];
           $feature{'snapshot'}{'override'} = 1;

       If you allow overriding for the snapshot feature, you can specify which snapshot formats are globally disabled. You can also
       add any command-line options you want (such as setting the compression level). For instance, you can disable Zip compressed
       snapshots and set gzip(1) to run at level 6 by adding the following lines to your gitweb configuration file:

           $known_snapshot_formats{'zip'}{'disabled'} = 1;
           $known_snapshot_formats{'tgz'}{'compressor'} = ['gzip','-6'];

       Debugging would be easier if the fallback configuration file (/etc/gitweb.conf) and environment variable to override its
       location (GITWEB_CONFIG_SYSTEM) had names reflecting their "fallback" role. The current names are kept to avoid breaking
       working setups.

       The location of per-instance and system-wide configuration files can be overridden using the following environment

           Sets location of per-instance configuration file.

           Sets location of fallback system-wide configuration file. This file is read only if per-instance one does not exist.

           Sets location of common system-wide configuration file.

           This is default name of per-instance configuration file. The format of this file is described above.

           This is default name of fallback system-wide configuration file. This file is used only if per-instance configuration
           variable is not found.

           This is default name of common system-wide configuration file.

       gitweb(1), git-instaweb(1)

       gitweb/README, gitweb/INSTALL

       Part of the git(1) suite

Git 2.39.2                                                   04/24/2023                                              GITWEB.CONF(5)