getrpcport(3)                                         Library Functions Manual                                        getrpcport(3)

       getrpcport - get RPC port number

       Standard C library (libc, -lc)

       #include <rpc/rpc.h>

       int getrpcport(const char *host, unsigned long prognum,
                      unsigned long versnum, unsigned int proto);

       getrpcport()  returns  the  port  number  for  version versnum of the RPC program prognum running on host and using protocol
       proto.  It returns 0 if it cannot contact the portmapper, or if prognum is not registered.  If prognum is registered but not
       with  version  versnum,  it will still return a port number (for some version of the program) indicating that the program is
       indeed registered.  The version mismatch will be detected upon the first call to the service.

       For an explanation of the terms used in this section, see attributes(7).

       │Interface                                                                             │ Attribute     │ Value              │
       │getrpcport()                                                                          │ Thread safety │ MT-Safe env locale │

       Not in POSIX.1.  Present on the BSDs, Solaris, and many other systems.

Linux man-pages 6.03                                         2022-12-15                                               getrpcport(3)