GAPPLICATION(1)                                            User Commands                                            GAPPLICATION(1)

       gapplication - D-Bus application launcher

       gapplication help [COMMAND]

       gapplication version

       gapplication list-apps

       gapplication launch APPID

       gapplication launch APPID [FILE...]

       gapplication list-actions APPID

       gapplication action APPID ACTION [PARAMETER]

       gapplication is a commandline implementation of the client-side of the org.freedesktop.Application interface as specified by
       the Desktop Entry Specification.

       gapplication can be used to start applications that have DBusActivatable set to true in their .desktop files and can be used
       to send messages to already-running instances of other applications.

       It is possible for applications to refer to gapplication in the Exec line of their .desktop file to maintain backwards
       compatibility with implementations that do not directly support DBusActivatable.

       gapplication ships as part of GLib.

   Global commands
       help [COMMAND]
           Displays a short synopsis of the available commands or provides detailed help on a specific command.

           Prints the GLib version whence gapplication came.

           Prints a list of all application IDs that are known to support D-Bus activation. This list is generated by scanning
           .desktop files as per the current XDG_DATA_DIRS.

       launch APPID [FILE...]
           Launches an application.

           The first parameter is the application ID in the familiar "reverse DNS" style (eg: '') without the .desktop

           Optionally, if additional parameters are given, they are treated as the names of files to open and may be filenames or
           URIs. If no files are given then the application is simply activated.

       list-actions APPID
           List the actions declared in the application's .desktop file. The parameter is the application ID, as above.

           Invokes the named action (in the same way as would occur when activating an action specified in the .desktop file).

           The application ID (as above) is the first parameter. The action name follows.

           Optionally, following the action name can be one parameter, in GVariant format, given as a single argument. Make sure to
           use sufficient quoting.

   From the commandline
       Launching an application:

                   gapplication launch org.example.fooview

       Opening a file with an application:

                   gapplication launch org.example.fooview ~/

       Opening many files with an application:

                   gapplication launch org.example.fooview ~/foos/*.foo

       Invoking an action on an application:

                   gapplication action org.example.fooview create

       Invoking an action on an application, with an action:

                   gapplication action org.example.fooview show-item '"item_id_828739"'

   From the Exec lines of a .desktop file
       The commandline interface of gapplication was designed so that it could be used directly from the Exec line of a .desktop

       You might want to do this to allow for backwards compatibility with implementations of the specification that do not
       understand how to do D-Bus activation, without having to install a separate utility program.

       Consider the following example:

                   [Desktop Entry]
                   Name=Foo Viewer
                   Exec=gapplication launch org.example.fooview %F

                   [Desktop Action gallery]
                   Name=Browse Gallery
                   Exec=gapplication action org.example.fooview gallery

                   [Desktop Action create]
                   Name=Create a new Foo!
                   Exec=gapplication action org.example.fooview create

   From a script
       If installing an application that supports D-Bus activation you may still want to put a file in /usr/bin so that your
       program can be started from a terminal.

       It is possible for this file to be a shell script. The script can handle arguments such as --help and --version directly. It
       can also parse other command line arguments and convert them to uses of gapplication to activate the application, open
       files, or invoke actions.

       Here is a simplified example, as may be installed in /usr/bin/fooview:


                   case "$1" in
                       echo "see 'man fooview' for more information"

                       echo "fooview 1.2"

                       gapplication action org.example.fooview gallery

                       gapplication action org.example.fooview create

                       echo "unrecognised commandline argument"
                       exit 1

                       gapplication launch org.example.fooview "$@"

       Desktop Entry Specification[1], gdbus(1), xdg-open(1), desktop-file-validate(1)

        1. Desktop Entry Specification

GIO                                                                                                                 GAPPLICATION(1)