dotnet-nuget-trust(1)                                    .NET Documentation                                   dotnet-nuget-trust(1)

dotnet nuget trust
       This article applies to: ✔️ .NET 5.0.300 SDK and later versions

       dotnet-nuget-trust - Gets or sets trusted signers to the NuGet configuration.

              dotnet nuget trust [command] [Options]

              dotnet nuget trust -h|--help

       The  dotnet nuget trust command manages the trusted signers.  By default, NuGet accepts all authors and repositories.  These
       commands allow you to specify only a specific subset of signers whose signatures will be accepted, while rejecting all  oth‐
       ers.   For more information, see Common NuGet configurations.  For details on what the nuget.config schema looks like, refer
       to the NuGet config file reference.

              This command requires a certificate root store that is valid for both  code  signing  and  timestamping.   See  NuGet
              signed package verification for details.

       • -?|-h|--help

         Prints out a description of how to use the command.

       If no command is specified, the command will default to list.

       Lists  all  the  trusted  signers in the configuration.  This option will include all the certificates (with fingerprint and
       fingerprint algorithm) each signer has.  If a certificate has a preceding [U], it means that certificate entry has  allowUn‐
       trustedRoot set as true.

              dotnet nuget trust list [--configfile <PATH>] [-h|--help] [-v, --verbosity <LEVEL>]

       • --configfile <FILE>

         The  NuGet configuration file (nuget.config) to use.  If specified, only the settings from this file will be used.  If not
         specified, the hierarchy of configuration files from the current directory will be used.  For more information, see Common
         NuGet Configurations.

       • -?|-h|--help

         Prints out a description of how to use the command.

       • -v|--verbosity <LEVEL>

         Sets  the  verbosity level of the command.  Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed], and diag[nostic].
         The default is minimal.  For more information, see <xref:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoggerVerbosity>.

       Deletes the current list of certificates and replaces them with an up-to-date list from the repository.

              dotnet nuget trust sync <NAME> [--configfile <PATH>] [-h|--help] [-v, --verbosity <LEVEL>]

       • NAME

         The name of the existing trusted signer to sync.

       • --configfile <FILE>

         The NuGet configuration file (nuget.config) to use.  If specified, only the settings from this file will be used.  If  not
         specified, the hierarchy of configuration files from the current directory will be used.  For more information, see Common
         NuGet Configurations.

       • -?|-h|--help

         Prints out a description of how to use the command.

       • -v|--verbosity <LEVEL>

         Sets the verbosity level of the command.  Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed],  and  diag[nostic].
         The default is minimal.  For more information, see <xref:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoggerVerbosity>.

       Removes any trusted signers that match the given name.

              dotnet nuget trust remove <NAME> [--configfile <PATH>] [-h|--help] [-v, --verbosity <LEVEL>]

       • NAME

         The name of the existing trusted signer to remove.

       • --configfile <FILE>

         The  NuGet configuration file (nuget.config) to use.  If specified, only the settings from this file will be used.  If not
         specified, the hierarchy of configuration files from the current directory will be used.  For more information, see Common
         NuGet Configurations.

       • -?|-h|--help

         Prints out a description of how to use the command.

       • -v|--verbosity <LEVEL>

         Sets  the  verbosity level of the command.  Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed], and diag[nostic].
         The default is minimal.  For more information, see <xref:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoggerVerbosity>.

       Adds a trusted signer with the given name, based on the author signature of the package.

              dotnet nuget trust author <NAME> <PACKAGE> [--allow-untrusted-root] [--configfile <PATH>] [-h|--help] [-v, --verbosity <LEVEL>]

       • NAME

         The name of the trusted signer to add.  If NAME already exists in the configuration, the signature is appended.

       • PACKAGE

         The given PACKAGE should be a local path to the signed .nupkg file.

       • --allow-untrusted-root

         Specifies if the certificate for the trusted signer should be allowed to chain to an untrusted root.  This is  not  recom‐

       • --configfile <FILE>

         The  NuGet configuration file (nuget.config) to use.  If specified, only the settings from this file will be used.  If not
         specified, the hierarchy of configuration files from the current directory will be used.  For more information, see Common
         NuGet Configurations.

       • -?|-h|--help

         Prints out a description of how to use the command.

       • -v|--verbosity <LEVEL>

         Sets  the  verbosity level of the command.  Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed], and diag[nostic].
         The default is minimal.  For more information, see <xref:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoggerVerbosity>.

       Adds a trusted signer with the given name, based on the repository signature or countersignature of a signed package.

              dotnet nuget trust repository <NAME> <PACKAGE> [--allow-untrusted-root] [--configfile <PATH>] [-h|--help] [--owners <LIST>] [-v, --verbosity <LEVEL>]

       • NAME

         The name of the trusted signer to add.  If NAME already exists in the configuration, the signature is appended.

       • PACKAGE

         The given PACKAGE should be a local path to the signed .nupkg file.

       • --allow-untrusted-root

         Specifies if the certificate for the trusted signer should be allowed to chain to an untrusted root.  This is  not  recom‐

       • --configfile <FILE>

         The  NuGet configuration file (nuget.config) to use.  If specified, only the settings from this file will be used.  If not
         specified, the hierarchy of configuration files from the current directory will be used.  For more information, see Common
         NuGet Configurations.

       • -?|-h|--help

         Prints out a description of how to use the command.

       • --owners <LIST>

         Semicolon-separated list of trusted owners to further restrict the trust of a repository.

       • -v|--verbosity <LEVEL>

         Sets  the  verbosity level of the command.  Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed], and diag[nostic].
         The default is minimal.  For more information, see <xref:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoggerVerbosity>.

       Adds a trusted signer with the given name, based on a certificate fingerprint.

              dotnet nuget trust certificate <NAME> <FINGERPRINT> [--algorithm <ALGORITHM>] [--allow-untrusted-root] [--configfile <PATH>] [-h|--help] [-v, --verbosity <LEVEL>]

       • NAME

         The name of the trusted signer to add.  If a trusted signer with the given name already exists, the  certificate  item  is
         added  to  that signer.  Otherwise a trusted author is created with a certificate item from the given certificate informa‐


         The fingerprint of the certificate.

       • --algorithm <ALGORITHM>

         Specifies the hash algorithm used to calculate the certificate fingerprint.  Defaults to  SHA256.   Values  supported  are
         SHA256, SHA384 and SHA512.

       • --allow-untrusted-root

         Specifies  if  the certificate for the trusted signer should be allowed to chain to an untrusted root.  This is not recom‐

       • --configfile <FILE>

         The NuGet configuration file (nuget.config) to use.  If specified, only the settings from this file will be used.  If  not
         specified, the hierarchy of configuration files from the current directory will be used.  For more information, see Common
         NuGet Configurations.

       • -?|-h|--help

         Prints out a description of how to use the command.

       • -v|--verbosity <LEVEL>

         Sets the verbosity level of the command.  Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed],  and  diag[nostic].
         The default is minimal.  For more information, see <xref:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoggerVerbosity>.

       Adds a trusted signer based on a given package source.

              dotnet nuget trust source <NAME> [--configfile <PATH>] [-h|--help] [--owners <LIST>] [--source-url] [-v, --verbosity <LEVEL>]

       • NAME

         The  name  of  the trusted signer to add.  If only <NAME> is provided without --<source-url>, the package source from your
         NuGet configuration files with the same name is added to the trusted list.  If <NAME> already exists in the configuration,
         the package source is appended to it.

       • --configfile <FILE>

         The  NuGet configuration file (nuget.config) to use.  If specified, only the settings from this file will be used.  If not
         specified, the hierarchy of configuration files from the current directory will be used.  For more information, see Common
         NuGet Configurations.

       • -?|-h|--help

         Prints out a description of how to use the command.

       • --owners <LIST>

         Semicolon-separated list of trusted owners to further restrict the trust of a repository.

       • --source-url

         If a source-url is provided, it must be a v3 package source URL (like  Other package
         source types are not supported.

       • -v|--verbosity <LEVEL>

         Sets the verbosity level of the command.  Allowed values are q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed],  and  diag[nostic].
         The default is minimal.  For more information, see <xref:Microsoft.Build.Framework.LoggerVerbosity>.

       • List trusted signers:

                dotnet nuget trust list

       • Trust source NuGet in specified nuget.config file:

                dotnet nuget trust source NuGet --configfile ..\nuget.config

       • Trust an author from signed nupkg package file foo.nupkg:

                dotnet nuget trust author PackageAuthor .\foo.nupkg

       • Trust a repository from signed nupkg package file foo.nupkg:

                dotnet nuget trust repository PackageRepository .\foo.nupkg

       • Trust a package signing certificate using its SHA256 fingerprint:

                  dotnet nuget trust certificate MyCert  F99EC8CDCE5642B380296A19E22FA8EB3AEF1C70079541A2B3D6E4A93F5E1AFD --algorithm SHA256

       • Trust owners Nuget and Microsoft from the repository

                  dotnet nuget trust source NuGetTrust --source-url --owners "Nuget;Microsoft"

       • Remove trusted signer named NuGet from specified nuget.config file:

                  dotnet nuget trust remove NuGet --configfile ..\nuget.config

                                                             2022-11-08                                       dotnet-nuget-trust(1)