DOCKER(1)                                               Docker User Manuals                                               DOCKER(1)

       docker - Docker image and container command line interface

       docker [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARG...]

       docker [--help|-v|--version]

       docker is a client for interacting with the daemon (see dockerd(8)) through the CLI.

       The  Docker  CLI  has over 30 commands. The commands are listed below and each has its own man page which explains usage and

       To see the man page for a command run man docker .

         Print usage statement

         Specifies the location of the Docker client configuration files. The default is '~/.docker'.

       -D, --debug=true|false
         Enable debug mode. Default is false.

       -H, --host=[unix:///var/run/docker.sock]: tcp://[host]:[port][path] to bind or unix://[/path/to/socket] to use.
         The socket(s) to bind to in daemon mode specified using one or more
         tcp://host:port/path, unix:///path/to/socket, fd://* or fd://socketfd.
         If the tcp port is not specified, then it will default to either 2375 when
         --tls is off, or 2376 when --tls is on, or --tlsverify is specified.

       -l, --log-level="debug|info|warn|error|fatal"
         Set the logging level. Default is info.

         Use TLS; implied by --tlsverify. Default is false.

         Trust certs signed only by this CA.

         Path to TLS certificate file.

         Path to TLS key file.

         Use TLS and verify the remote (daemon: verify client, client: verify daemon).
         Default is false.

       -v, --version=true|false
         Print version information and quit. Default is false.

       Use "docker help" or "docker --help" to get an overview of available commands.

       For specific client examples please see the man page for the specific Docker command. For example:

              man docker-run

       April 2014, Originally compiled by William Henry (whenry at redhat dot com) based on source material and internal

Docker Community                                             APRIL 2014                                                   DOCKER(1)