DOCKER(1)                                               Docker User Manuals                                               DOCKER(1)

       docker-network-inspect - Display detailed information on one or more networks

       docker network inspect [OPTIONS] NETWORK [NETWORK...]

       Returns  information about one or more networks. By default, this command renders all results in a JSON object. For example,
       if you connect two containers to the default bridge network:

              $ sudo docker run -itd --name=container1 busybox

              $ sudo docker run -itd --name=container2 busybox

       The network inspect command shows the containers, by id, in its results. You can specify an alternate format  to  execute  a
       given  template  for each result. Go's text/template ⟨⟩ package describes all the details of
       the format.

              $ sudo docker network inspect bridge
                      "Name": "bridge",
                      "Id": "b2b1a2cba717161d984383fd68218cf70bbbd17d328496885f7c921333228b0f",
                      "Scope": "local",
                      "Driver": "bridge",
                      "IPAM": {
                          "Driver": "default",
                          "Config": [
                                  "Subnet": "",
                                  "Gateway": ""
                      "Internal": false,
                      "Ingress": false,
                      "Containers": {
                          "bda12f8922785d1f160be70736f26c1e331ab8aaf8ed8d56728508f2e2fd4727": {
                              "Name": "container2",
                              "EndpointID": "0aebb8fcd2b282abe1365979536f21ee4ceaf3ed56177c628eae9f706e00e019",
                              "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:02",
                              "IPv4Address": "",
                              "IPv6Address": ""
                          "f2870c98fd504370fb86e59f32cd0753b1ac9b69b7d80566ffc7192a82b3ed27": {
                              "Name": "container1",
                              "EndpointID": "a00676d9c91a96bbe5bcfb34f705387a33d7cc365bac1a29e4e9728df92d10ad",
                              "MacAddress": "02:42:ac:11:00:01",
                              "IPv4Address": "",
                              "IPv6Address": ""
                      "Options": {
                          "": "true",
                          "": "true",
                          "": "true",
                          "": "",
                          "": "docker0",
                          "": "1500"

       Returns the information about the user-defined network:

              $ docker network create simple-network
              $ docker network inspect simple-network
                      "Name": "simple-network",
                      "Id": "69568e6336d8c96bbf57869030919f7c69524f71183b44d80948bd3927c87f6a",
                      "Scope": "local",
                      "Driver": "bridge",
                      "IPAM": {
                          "Driver": "default",
                          "Config": [
                                  "Subnet": "",
                                  "Gateway": ""
                      "Containers": {},
                      "Options": {}

       docker network inspect --verbose for swarm mode overlay networks shows service-specific details such as  the  service's  VIP
       and port mappings. It also shows IPs of service tasks, and the IPs of the nodes where the tasks are running.

       Following  is  an example output for an overlay network ov1 that has one service s1 attached to. service s1 in this case has
       three replicas.

              $ docker network inspect --verbose ov1
                      "Name": "ov1",
                      "Id": "ybmyjvao9vtzy3oorxbssj13b",
                      "Created": "2017-03-13T17:04:39.776106792Z",
                      "Scope": "swarm",
                      "Driver": "overlay",
                      "EnableIPv6": false,
                      "IPAM": {
                          "Driver": "default",
                          "Options": null,
                          "Config": [
                                  "Subnet": "",
                                  "Gateway": ""
                      "Internal": false,
                      "Attachable": false,
                      "Ingress": false,
                      "Containers": {
                          "020403bd88a15f60747fd25d1ad5fa1272eb740e8a97fc547d8ad07b2f721c5e": {
                              "Name": "s1.1.pjn2ik0sfgkfzed3h0s00gs9o",
                              "EndpointID": "ad16946f416562d658f3bb30b9830d73ad91ccf6feae44411269cd0ff674714e",
                              "MacAddress": "02:42:0a:00:00:04",
                              "IPv4Address": "",
                              "IPv6Address": ""
                      "Options": {
                          "": "4097"
                      "Labels": {},
                      "Peers": [
                              "Name": "net-3-5d3cfd30a58c",
                              "IP": ""
                              "Name": "net-1-6ecbc0040a73",
                              "IP": ""
                              "Name": "net-2-fb80208efd75",
                              "IP": ""
                      "Services": {
                          "s1": {
                              "VIP": "",
                              "Ports": [],
                              "LocalLBIndex": 257,
                              "Tasks": [
                                      "Name": "s1.2.q4hcq2aiiml25ubtrtg4q1txt",
                                      "EndpointID": "040879b027e55fb658e8b60ae3b87c6cdac7d291e86a190a3b5ac6567b26511a",
                                      "EndpointIP": "",
                                      "Info": {
                                          "Host IP": ""
                                      "Name": "s1.3.yawl4cgkp7imkfx469kn9j6lm",
                                      "EndpointID": "106edff9f120efe44068b834e1cddb5b39dd4a3af70211378b2f7a9e562bbad8",
                                      "EndpointIP": "",
                                      "Info": {
                                          "Host IP": ""
                                      "Name": "s1.1.pjn2ik0sfgkfzed3h0s00gs9o",
                                      "EndpointID": "ad16946f416562d658f3bb30b9830d73ad91ccf6feae44411269cd0ff674714e",
                                      "EndpointIP": "",
                                      "Info": {
                                          "Host IP": ""

       -f, --format=""      Format output using a custom template: Refer to for more  infor‐
       mation about formatting output with templates

       -h, --help[=false]      help for inspect

       -v, --verbose[=false]      Verbose output for diagnostics


Docker Community                                              Sep 2023                                                    DOCKER(1)