DOCKER(1)                                               Docker User Manuals                                               DOCKER(1)

       docker-container-commit - Create a new image from a container's changes

       docker container commit [OPTIONS] CONTAINER [REPOSITORY[:TAG]]

       Create a new image from an existing container specified by name or container ID.  The new image will contain the contents of
       the container filesystem, excluding any data volumes. Refer to docker-tag(1) for more information about valid image and  tag

       While  the  docker commit command is a convenient way of extending an existing image, you should prefer the use of a Docker‐
       file and docker build for generating images that you intend to share with other people.

Creating a new image from an existing container
       An existing Fedora based container has had Apache installed while running in interactive mode with the bash shell. Apache is
       also running. To create a new image run docker ps to find the container's ID and then run:

              $ docker commit -m="Added Apache to Fedora base image" \
                -a="A D Ministrator" 98bd7fc99854 fedora/fedora_httpd:20

       Note that only a-z0-9-_. are allowed when naming images from an existing container.

Apply specified Dockerfile instructions while committing the image
       If  an existing container was created without the DEBUG environment variable set to "true", you can create a new image based
       on that container by first getting the container's ID with docker ps and then running:

              $ docker container commit -c="ENV DEBUG=true" 98bd7fc99854 debug-image

       -a, --author=""      Author (e.g., "John Hannibal Smith ⟨⟩")

       -c, --change=      Apply Dockerfile instruction to the created image

       -h, --help[=false]      help for commit

       -m, --message=""      Commit message

       -p, --pause[=true]      Pause container during commit


Docker Community                                              Sep 2023                                                    DOCKER(1)