cupsd-helper(8)                                             OpenPrinting                                            cupsd-helper(8)

       cupsd-helper - cupsd helper programs (deprecated)

       cups-deviced request-id limit user-id options
       cups-driverd cat ppd-name
       cups-driverd list request_id limit options
       cups-exec sandbox-profile [ -g group-id ] [ -n nice-value ] [ -u user-id ] /path/to/program argv0 ...  argvN

       The  cupsd-helper  programs  perform  long-running operations on behalf of the scheduler, cupsd(8).  The cups-deviced helper
       program runs each CUPS backend(7) with no arguments in order to discover the available printers.

       The cups-driverd helper program lists all available printer drivers, a subset of "matching" printer drivers, or a copy of  a
       specific driver PPD file.

       The  cups-exec  helper program runs backends, filters, and other programs. On macOS these programs are run in a secure sand‐

       The cups-driverd program looks for PPD and driver information files in the following directories:


       PPD files can be compressed using the gzip(1) program or placed in compressed tar(1) archives to further reduce their size.

       Driver information files must conform to the format defined in ppdcfile(5).

       CUPS printer drivers, backends, and PPD files are deprecated and will no longer be supported in a future feature release  of
       CUPS.  Printers that do not support IPP can be supported using applications such as ippeveprinter(1).

       backend(7), cups(1), cupsd(8), cupsd.conf(5), filter(7), ppdcfile(5), CUPS Online Help (http://localhost:631/help)

       Copyright © 2021-2022 by OpenPrinting.

2021-02-28                                                      CUPS                                                cupsd-helper(8)