BZGREP(1)                                             General Commands Manual                                             BZGREP(1)

       bzgrep, bzfgrep, bzegrep - search possibly bzip2 compressed files for a regular expression

       bzgrep [ grep_options ] [ -e ] pattern filename...
       bzegrep [ egrep_options ] [ -e ] pattern filename...
       bzfgrep [ fgrep_options ] [ -e ] pattern filename...

       Bzgrep  is used to invoke the grep on bzip2-compressed files. All options specified are passed directly to grep.  If no file
       is specified, then the standard input is decompressed if necessary and fed to grep.  Otherwise the given  files  are  uncom‐
       pressed if necessary and fed to grep.

       If bzgrep is invoked as bzegrep or bzfgrep then egrep or fgrep is used instead of grep.  If the GREP environment variable is
       set, bzgrep uses it as the grep program to be invoked. For example:

           for sh:  GREP=fgrep  bzgrep string files
           for csh: (setenv GREP fgrep; bzgrep string files)

       Charles Levert ( Adapted to bzip2 by Philippe Troin <> for Debian GNU/Linux.

       grep(1), egrep(1), fgrep(1), bzdiff(1), bzmore(1), bzless(1), bzip2(1)
